
The installation “ Agora “ was a part of  Omphalos – an exhibition curated by Institute for Spatial Arts, Norway.

From the exhibitions text :

Agora – is an open urban space.

Our stay in Athens in 2002 was a meeting point in the past, present and the future at the same time. A meeting between old and new myths.

Mythology was for the ancient Greeks a way to sort out the chaos.

Our work with Agora, was our way to make us aware of our inner world as women and modern humans. The dialogue between us characterized our process and showed us, how we as humans, are sorting the world and make it comprehensible for ourselves and for each other.

Our starting point was a «date» with the the unconscious.

We walked in Athens. We found, we found. As the norwegian folkstory figur ” Askeladden ” we discovered and collected and moments of humor and recognition shaped our collection of visual elements and objects. We was leaded by our intuition. Coincidences, symbols, images revealed themselves to us and directed the process.

This collection formed the basis for our work, the installation «Agora» which was a collaboration between the artists Gerd Frantzen and Annette Martens, was first presented in the curated exhibition Omphalos, Bjorvika in Oslo, Norway in 2003.