

Paraphrases is a series art works of portraits in the technique mixed media, based on acrylic painting and photo collage.

Particular personalities, both famous and ” ordinary people ” is inspiring me to make Paraphrases. The series is ment to grow while new portraits are appearing. The theme, showed as an example here, is a portrait series of the icon Marilyn Monroe, and is inspired by my first meeting with her in Andy Warhol version in MoMa in New York.


You can order a customized portrait of you or one of your family members. You can also order several portraits in a series. It can be you in several versions, or the whole family with one portrait of each member.

I can make the portrait based on a personal meeting and interview, live or on skype, with you or the actual person and a private photo session in my studio in Oslo. You can also send me your own photo.


  • A live/online meeting with me where we learn to know each other
  • An live/online interview
  • A photo session in my studio in Oslo, Norway/or based on your own photo.
  • A story about the process
  • An unique work of Art


To have more information and to customize your portrait , make an application with some information about you or the person you want to portrait in a message and CONNECT with me, and I will give you more details about price, process and how you are transforming into a work of art.

$ 1300     30x30cm / mixedmedia, acrylic painting, collage on linnen canvas

$ 2000    60x60cm / mixedmedia, acrylic painting, collage on linnen canvas